Liza Weber, MA


Liza Weber is a Research Assistant at Leuphana University Lüneburg, joining in January 2022.

She received her Bachelor's degree in English Language & Literature from King's College London with a first-class dissertation called "A Silent Restitution" under the supervision of Dr. Zoe Norridge.

She then received her Master's degree in Critical Writing in Art & Design from the Royal College of Art, London, with a short documentary-film on the provenance of Emy Roeder's 'Die Schwangere' and an accompanying critical essay entitled "Pioneering Provenance".

She is also a graduate of the Association for Research into Crimes Against Art's postgraduate programme in Art Crime and Cultural Heritage Protection, where she received a distinction for her thesis, "The Haptics of Holocaust Art Restitution (and Getting to Grips with Gurlitt)", under the supervision of Dr. Tom Flynn.

Liza is currently in the final year of her doctoral studies at the The Sussex Weidenfeld Institute of Jewish Studies, University of Sussex, where she was awarded the Alfred Bader PhD Scholarship in Modern Jewish Culture and History. Her thesis on the history of the 1955 documenta exhibition in Kassel, Germany, is supervised by Dr. Claudia Siebrecht and goes by the title: "documenta and its Double: Germany’s Myth of Modernism in Memory and Provenance, from 'Degenerate' to documenta (1937-1955)".